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Monday, January 25, 2010

Video - Doppler Effect (3D Animation)


  1. 3D Animation : Exactly What Your Product Requires

    The global animation market was worth $254 billion by 2017. It has, however, become apparent that the increase was but the beginning. As animation makes its way into the world of marketing, we'll definitely see its popularity rise even higher.

    When many people believe 3D animation, they think entertainment. This is simply because animation has kept us fascinated in movie theatres for the longest time. The ability to captivate and motivate is in fact the reason why animation is very popular among marketers nowadays.

    So how effective is 3D product animation?

    Well, Extremely Effective!

    This is best illustrated by brands like Gillette and the beloved Apple. With Gillette, for instance, a boring shave is transformed into a 3D adventure. Now think about at the extent of trust the marketing method garners for the brand. Gillette sets itself apart from its rivals by taking this new strategy to marketing. The quality of the animation is considered reflective of the brand's quality. That is just what a good 3D product animation will do for your brand; it will make you stand shoulders above the competition.

    When 3d animation is utilized as a marketing strategy, three primary advantages are realized:

    1.Profit Minded Prototyping: Releasing a prototype to the market is an extremely expensive affair. To be fair, they do the job but, what if there was a more affordable alternative? Well, now there is. 3D product animation can be used to design a virtual prototype and expose it to the market. That is to say, you get the required feedback from the market without suffering the cost of a prototype.

    2. First Impressions Come Once: Let's face it, most products are boring. Think about the Gillette brand without the 3D animation. Would it not place you to sleep in the very first five seconds?

    With 3D product animation, however, a boring product is transformed into an adventure of cinematic proportions. In the online world, any product becomes exciting with a few 360-degree turns and just the proper amount of special effects. Utilize animation to strike a chord with the market of interest.

    The iPhone X utilized this technique perfectly. Its advertising relied greatly on 3D models. Some other brand names including Microsoft, Huawei, and Samsung have also used 3D product animations. This is the reason why it's so difficult to beat these companies.

    3.Money Matters: 3D product animation is not an expense, it is a save. The 3D model can even be utilized to determine glitches in an unfinished product. Designers are afforded the opportunity to improve the brand before the prototypes come out.

    Animation is easily the most cost-effective marketing strategy there is. Just take a look at how famous Virtual Reality (V.R) and 3D modelling are- no one can get enough of 3D.

    To sum it up, your product has a lot to gain from 3D technologies. The animation will provide your product an aura of suspense and class that the market just finds irresistible. Being a modern development, animation provides your product legitimacy in the modern market. Bad first impression has been the doom of countless products.

    Don't be a part of the failures. Abandon generic advertising techniques. Make your product the hero of an animated ad. You do want to be the next Apple and Huawei, don't you?
